
The faithful reader,You're looking at a page that gives a brief explanation of this blog. This explanation will be very short, I hope you spend a little time to read it.This blog is a personal blog that is my responsibility, Muhammad Ridwan. The content in it is my own responsibility, unless stated otherwise.If you find the exact same text outside this blog that does not display my credit as a writer, please do not hesitate to contact me, as it is my responsibility. 
As a blogger and computer technician I am also happy to be able to share various topics around information about devices, computer gadgets and networks in writing that I have created in the form of tutorials or product reviews. This blog is present as a means of learning and sharing, among others, especially bloggers in

The origin of Ro Intel was born because I know that people around me still have a lot of problems when looking to find information about the application and products that want to buy even still very many people who want to grow by plunging into the internet world.One by one the question was asked, giving me the idea to write it on the blog in order to reach other users as well. The entire content of this blog is personal writing with various studies that have been done.If you have any complaints about applications, hardware, software and settings as described in each of my articles, please apply them carefully. I'll be happy to help answer your complaint issues according to the topic of writing, but this is not a guarantee that my answer deserves a recommendation.

I am not writing for a particular academic purpose, but I also do not forbid my writing to be quoted in academic papers, final assignments, scientific papers and so on to fit the subject matter.If it's just a discussion, then the information, applications and tutorials I share can be used, and I am open to inputs, opinions and criticism that can build us all better.

I hope you like what you find on my site and become a distinct advantage. If you have more questions about posting here, please use comment field or contact page. And for the sake of convenience together, please maintain the politeness in communicating.

Thank You For The time